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Nominate for the Pedagogical Prize 2025

NCK’s Pedagogical Prize is awarded annually to any person or institution that has made outstanding contributions to the field of heritage learning in the Nordic or Baltic region. The awardee shall through his/her work give good examples for inspiration and contribute to promoting heritage learning and reaching out to a larger audience.

The year 2024 was an exception when NCK did not award the prize.

You now have the opportunity – until Friday November 15 – to nominate your candidate for the 2025 award.

About the nomination procedure and the award

> The nominated person/institution shall be active in the Nordic or Baltic region.

> The nomination should comprise of a short description of the
person’s/institution’s work within heritage learning and how the
person/institution has inspired, contributed to and influenced the work
conducted in the field, coupled with a statement on the reasons why the
nominator thinks the nominee should be awarded the prize.

> You are not allowed to nominate yourself or your institution.

> Decisions on prize winners will be made by NCK’s board.

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> The prize will be awarded at NCK’s Spring Conference in Mars 2025.

> The awardee will receive a diploma, 25 000 sek, and the honour of being one of the keynote speakers at the next NCK’s Spring Conference.

Former award winners