NCK is a Nordic-Baltic research and development centre, owned by museums and archives in the Nordic and Baltic countries. NCK aims to approach, better understand and enhance learning through heritage.
NCK conducts and promotes research to deepen the understanding of the importance and role of heritage in the present and the future, how heritage can be used and what can be achieved through heritage learning. We perceive heritage as a valuable resource that can facilitate, among other things, the development of new competences and contribute towards a sustainable and inclusive society where learning is a lifelong process.
At NCK, we connect practice, policy, and research through securing successful funding of numerous national and international projects. We work with lifelong learning and conduct research, method and policy development in cooperation with cultural heritage institutions, universities and regions in the Nordic and Baltic countries and Europe. In addition to this, we arrange courses, conferences and workshops on a regular basis.
NCK is a place where the whole heritage sector can meet. Welcome to us!