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Level Up: Securing Quality in Managing Volunteers

Level Up: Securing Quality in Managing Volunteers is a joint project of cultural institutions in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland that seeks to develop a framework for volunteering, lifelong learning and active citizenship at museums. The project builds on the results of the previous collaboration project Pride, Joy and Surplus Value.

The project’s aim is to develop guidelines and infrastructures in order to facilitate the high-quality management of volunteers. Its goal is to provide both volunteers and museum staff with the best possible lifelong learning opportunities that allow them to unfold and enhance their individual skills and competencies and to actively contribute to society.

NCK will contribute its research experience regarding different aspects of volunteering, and will support the coordinator Jamtli in managing the project.

NEWS! The report with the results of our project can now be accessed here.

NCKs previous publications on volunteering can be accessed here and here.


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